Alabama Republicans attempt to shoot themselves in foot! The Alabama Republican State Executive Committee appears to be instituting a purity test. The following story is from the Republican Security council and came directly from their facebook page.
In an effort to remove the state College Republican chairwoman, Alabama Republicans added an amendment to the bylaws has been introduced and supporters claim they now have the votes for passage. It is designed to remove Stephanie Petelos from the party’s steering committee. Petelos is head of the College Republicans and previously served as chair of Young Americans for Romney. She supports gay marriage and says the issue should be decided on the state level. Petelos says her views are not unusual among young Republicans.
No, but it is unusual for those old guard in the Republican party who are still stuck on stupid with this issue! You see, since more gay people have come out as to who they are, now every family has a Gay member or a close friend who would be hurt by any anti-gay policies and they could not stand for that and what their own friends and family would go through!
The amendment says no one can “continue to serve on the steering committee if they publicly advocate a position contrary to the platform adopted at the Republican National Convention.” The Washington Post/ABC poll says 81 percent of those 18-29 believe gay marriage should be legalized, and half of Republicans in that age range support it. Petelos is also a past president of the University of Alabama College Republicans, and claims many students are conservative on economic and national security issues, but disagree with their elders on gay rights. She says “I think a lot of [young Republicans] would be actively for it if they didn’t live in fear of backlash from party leaders. We don’t want to go against the party, we love the party. We’re just passionate about a whole list of other issues, that’s why we’re involved.” The effort is being spearheaded by state GOP Chairman Bill Armistead, and his Chief of Staff, Harold Sachs, has been calling executive committee members. Sach’s wife is being described as a major supporter of the effort to dump Petelos. Another major supporter is Don Wallace of Tuscaloosa, a former party vice chairman. Wallace believes the amendment will be adopted and that for Petelos to be reinstated she must publicly rescind her comments.
In other words, she had better go along to get along! Way to go Republicans!!! Why not just toss out any and all who might even consider conservative ideals? That should be a real winner for us!
Last month Petelos agreed to stop talking to the press about gay rights. In turn, she thought committee members had agreed to stop their campaign to oust her. That is not going to happen now, and she is being harshly criticized.
Yeah, because she chooses to think for herself! Now why would we want anyone to do that?
Chris Brown, a former chairman of the Alabama Young Republican Federation, does not agree with Petelos on gay marriage but sees this as a First Amendment issue. He does not believe it is necessary to support every party plank.
He criticized state party leaders and said “I’m tired of the bullying they’re doing to a 23-year-old girl. They’re trying to intimidate and scare her.
“We’re trying to reach out and bring in more young people, women, and minorities, but our state party doesn’t seem to be accepting. As our party grows, we need to be respectful of other people’s opinions.”
Clayton Mark Turner, Chairman of the Young Republican Federation of Alabama, also disagrees with the effort. He says “This is much bigger than gay marriage. It’s about stifling any opinion they don’t agree with.
“Because of dynamics in Alabama, gay marriage is an easy first target, but any voice they want to squash, including me as YRFA Chairman, our Minority GOP Chairman, and others will be next. It’s not limited to us but we are out front on the radar.”
The Alabama Republican State Executive Committee should be glad to have Stephanie Petelos and the Buell Review supports her efforts to bring inclusion into the GOP! The facebook page for the Republican security council is here:
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