Unmasking religious right war on Gay America!
Unmasking Religious Right War on Gay America, a serious look into the Religious right and the deceptive, Dirty and underhanded tactics and outright lies of the Religious Right. A project of South Carolina writer and blogger, Alvin A McEwen. Ițd like to tell you a bit more about Alvin, but why not get a short biography from his blog, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters!
Alvin McEwen is 43-year-old African-American gay man who resides in Columbia, SC. McEwen’s blog, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, and writings have been mentioned by Americablog.com, Goodasyou.org, People for the American Way, PageOneQ.com, MSNBC, The Washington Post, Media Matters for America, Crooksandliars.com, Thinkprogress.org, Andrew Sullivan‘s Daily Dish, Newsweek, and Foxnews.com. In addition, he is also a past contributor to Pam’s House Blend,and a present contributor to Justice For All, Daily Kos, the Huffington Post, LGBTQ Nation, and Alternet.org. He is the 2007 recipient of the Harriet Daniels Hancock Volunteer of the Year Award and the 2010 recipient of the Order of the Pink Palmetto from the SC Pride Movement as well as the 2009 recipient of the Audre Lorde/James Baldwin Civil Rights Activist Award from SC Black Pride. In addition, he is a two-time nominee of the Ed Madden Media Advocacy Award from SC Pride!
Coming out for many of us, is often a totally uncomfortable and sometimes traumatic experience where we have lost family members or even family status or worse, thrown out and disowned by what is supposed to be the people who love you most! The Religious Right in American has no love for Gay people or the Gay community whatsoever, regardless of how they spin their ”sincerely held religious belies” period. With Marriage Equality breaking out and becoming legal in many states since the SCOTUS shot down DOMA, aka the Defense Of Marriage Act, the Religious right and the outrigh lies put forth by them are getting rahter shrill. of course it is not like they ever used real science or facts to back up their arguments! Why bother when lies and rhetoric about your enemy (that would be us and anyone else not fitting into a narrow minded platform of Intolerance) dewsigned to foment Hate, Ignorance, Bigotry, Fear and Intolerance will appeal to the masses through Biblical scripture who are just DREAMING of a scapegoat they can use to justify that missing whatever in their own lives?
Unfortunately these matters, when brought up in the Gay Community, usually pop into subject matter amongst our own when we need to defend ourselves against the shitstorm of press releasesby groups such as NOM, the National Organisaton for Marriage or the Family Research Council, headed by Tony Perkins. Instead of us being proactive in challenging many of these lies and outrageous claims made by these hate groups (Check out the Southern Poverty Law Center list of hate groups. It will open your eyes!) This is where Alvin came in and decided to do something, to open the eyes of the Gay Community encoraging our Gay Brothers and sisters to fight back with Facts and truth when confronting the lies and hate. You can download your copy of How They See Us for free here. It really needs to be required reading when getting into arguments with the Religious Right!! You can also download from Scribd here! One thing id for sure, the Religious Right and their lies in the name of God are being peeeled back a few layers at a time. We can no relax and let our guard down even now!
Like it or not, hate crimes against Gay people have more than doubled since we started gaining ground in the fight for our equality Rights! The religious right will use any tactic available to them whether it is true or not. They have already proven it. We can not afford to go along to get along any longer, the beast we appease now will only certainl eat us later even if we are last! These Christia Groups such as NOM, The Family Research Council, the American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, the Focus on the Family and a host of others are not happy their lies are being uncovered! At the NOM rally just his summer in Washington DC, a spokes person at the National Organisation for Marriage promised violence toward Gay people if Marriage goes contrywide! Many in these Christian Groups have already said they should and are willing to die to keep their own special rights and that was in a press conference made by David and Jason Benham, the two brothers who were kicked off the HGTV channel for being Bigots and then whined about being treated like Bigots. If there were ever a good time to subscribe to Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, it would be now!
Other good and informative action groups to explore would be Human Rights Watch, Right Wing Watch, Human Rights Watch, GLAAD, PFLAG and if you, like me, are a Christian, do not let these bigots speak for you just because they are obnoxious and loud! We have many Christians who are both Gay ad Straight as allies and that is a good thing. While I really do not care for the Tea Party anymore, there are a few members speaking up wo are becoming adamant that if we really value freeedom and liberty, it has to apply to all of us! Get the word out to the Advocate and On Top Mag and see if we can not get some traction for How They See Us, By Alvin A McEwen!! To be informed is to be armed and arming yourself with knowledge is a good thing.
The Religious Right is not going to give up and we need to remind them, neither are we! My Gay brothers and sisters, it is time for us to become warriors! Alexander the greats are what we need most now. If it seems personl to me, it is and it should be personal to all of us. The religious Right with the help of people like Scott Lively, Glen engle, Peter LaBabera, Matt Barber have all used their sincerely held religious beliefs to undermine our equality not just in America, but around the world! Ugandas Anti-Gay laws are largely because Scott Lively and Glen Engle with the help of the International House of Prayer, taught the Africans how to hate and feed on each other. Now in many places in the world, our Gay broithers and sisters are being hunted, stalked and killed like animals for sport. Let that sink in! We owe Alvin A McEwen a debt of Gratitude!
And if you can help contribute to Breing Scott Lively to Court on charges of Crimes against Humanity, thank you! My link is here and it will take you to Crowdrise where you can donate!
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The post Unmasking Religious Right War on Gay America appeared first on The Buell Review.